Media.Monks摩课士中国任命Ron Lee为科技和体验营销新业务副总裁

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举报 2024-07-12

“在Media.Monks摩课士的架构和理念中,我们才能实现我们一直以来的展望。”- Ron Lee

"With this team, we can build what we have always imagined." - Ron Lee

Media.Monks摩课士任命Ron Lee担任Media.Monks摩课士中国科技和体验营销新业务副总裁,任命即时生效。Ron将与Media.Monks摩课士大中华区董事总经理Rogier Bikker和Media.Monks摩课士上海客户服务总监Dixi Chern协同合作,带领公司新业务再创新高。Ron的加入为摩课士中国管理团队增加了更丰厚的科技背景和整合营销经验。这一任命也是摩课士中国继上海成立AI内容工作室之后,对在中国市场内科技、数字及AI人工智能领域的进一步投入。

Effective immediately, S4 Capital's operating brand Media.Monks, a digital-first marketing and advertising services company, has appointed Ron Lee as Vice President of Growth for Platform and Experience. Working alongside Rogier Bikker, Managing Director of Media.Monks China, and Dixi Chern, Client Service Director of Media.Monks Shanghai, Lee brings a profound wealth of technology experience and integration expertise, making him a valuable addition to our leadership team. His appointment also adds more firepower to the existing Media.Monks technology, digital, and AI offerings in the China market, resonating with the recent launch of Media.Monks AI content studio in Shanghai.


With over 18 years of experience in technological innovation, Lee is an expert in emerging technologies, digital interaction, game experience, connected retail, and integrated marketing. He leverages this expertise to empower brands on their digital transformation journey, providing consulting services and driving technology innovation to revolutionize the customer experience.

“这是Ron第二次加入摩课士。自2019年至2022年,Ron曾带领我们中国的技术团队在科技赋能的人工智能时代,我们很高兴Ron能够回归摩课士,与团队一起开创新篇章。Ron的特长在于能将复杂的技术深入浅出的分享给非专业人士,并且在创意、商业和科技的融合中找到良好的平衡点。随着科技,尤其人工智能,在品牌作业和沟通中占据越来越大的比例,Ron这样的人才显得越发珍贵。” Media.Monks China 摩课士大中华区董事总经理Rogier Bikker说到。

"Ron previously worked with us at Media.Monks for 3 years (from 2019 to 2022) as he headed up our technology team in China. We’re excited to have him back on board and build the next iteration of the agency, specifically in the era of AI. What makes Ron unique is his ability to make his deep technical expertise understandable to non-technical audiences. Accelerated by AI, his skills will become invaluable as creative, business and technology converge. He’s one of the few that can truly bridge the gap." says Rogier Bikker, Managing Director of Media.Monks China.


In this new role, Lee will serve as the key driver for AI adoption within the Shanghai.Monks. Lee will lead growth initiatives for the platform and experience discipline. He will empower and facilitate collaboration across creative, technology, production, and strategy teams to push the boundaries of integrating innovation into brand communications. Additionally, he will enable the team to undertake ambitious, large-scale projects that challenge conventional norms.

“自从GPT诞生以来,我就被AI技术在营销和广告领域的潜力所吸引。真正鼓舞我的是Media.Monks摩课士在创新方面的投入,如其内部开发的人工智能平台Monks.Flow。让我尤其兴奋的是Media.Monks摩课士的三重理念:始终向前的执着,全球统一营收的工作环境,以及完全平等团队协作文化。在这种架构和理念中,我们才能实现我们一直以来的展望。” Media.Monks摩课士中国科技和体验营销新业务副总裁Ron Lee说到。

"Ever since GPT emerged, I've been fascinated by the potential of AI tech in marketing/advertisement. Media.Monks' commitment to innovation, evident in their development of in-house AI platforms like Monks.Flow, truly inspires me. What excites me about Media.Monks is their threefold approach: a relentless commitment to staying ahead, a global-focused working environment, and a collaborative culture that requires zero ego. With this team, we can build what we have always imagined.", says Ron Lee, Vice President of Growth for Platform and Experience of Media.Monks China.

Ron曾多次受邀在阿里巴巴UDesign大会和UnityUnite大会等大型活动上分享独到见解,多次获得了行业奖项的认可,包括FWA、Spikes Asia、AdWeek Award、Mad Stars等。在过去,Ron服务的主要客户包括Huawei, Vivo, Oppo, Amazon, Adidas, Nike, PUMA, Estée Lauder, Shiseido, Clé de Peau, Johnson & Johnson Pharma等国内外知名品牌。

Lee is a recognized industry opinion leader, frequently invited to share his insights at major media and industry conferences such as the Alibaba UDesign conference and the Unity Unite conference. His visionary contributions to retail productions have garnered him multiple prestigious accolades, including FWA Awards, Spikes Asia Awards, Global AdWeek Awards, Phoenix Tree Awards, and Ad Stars Awards. Ron's extensive portfolio encompasses sophisticated technological implementations across various retail Online-to-Offline (O2O) scenarios. He has collaborated with top-tier brands like Huawei, Vivo, Oppo, Amazon, Adidas, Nike, PUMA, Estée Lauder, Shiseido, Clé de Peau, and Johnson & Johnson Pharma.

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