因疫情,克里奥国际广告奖调整 2020 及 2021 赛事日程

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举报 2020-04-09

纽约当地时间 4 月 7 日,克里奥国际广告奖(Clio Awards ,下文简称克里奥 )官方宣布:受疫情影响,已调整更新 2020 年及 2021 年的赛事日程。调整内容主要包括:本届克里奥报奖时间延长至 2021 年 2 月(期间分三个报奖批次,且第一批作品报奖截止日期为 2020 年 9 月 18 日),相应的本届颁奖典礼的时间也从原定 10 月挪至 2021 年 4 月。

因疫情,克里奥国际广告奖调整 2020 及 2021 赛事日程
Clio Pressroom 官宣

克里奥通过官方网站的新闻专栏 Clio PressroomFacebook 主页Twitter 主页LinkedIn 主页等发布了赛事日程调整的信息,表示:“为了更好地完成我们的使命,给参赛者提供支持,我们决定把克里奥国际广告奖的报奖截止日期延长至 2021 年,且第一批报奖截止日期为 2020 年 9 月 18 日。更多信息,请点击查看……”

因疫情,克里奥国际广告奖调整 2020 及 2021 赛事日程
Clio Awards Twitter@ClioAwards 官宣

因疫情,克里奥国际广告奖调整 2020 及 2021 赛事日程
Clio Awards Facebook@CLIO Awards 官宣

因疫情,克里奥国际广告奖调整 2020 及 2021 赛事日程
Clio Awards LinkedIn@The Clio Awards 官宣

以下是克里奥(Clio Awards)官宣日程调整计划的全部内容:


克里奥宣布调整 2020 年和 2021 年赛事日程

纽约时间 2020 年 4 月 7 日,克里奥国际广告奖,最富盛誉的国际性创意广告大奖,今天宣布对赛事日程做出一些结构性调整,我们将会将在本评奖周期的稍晚阶段去评选出最佳创意作品。

为了满足广告行业的需求,克里奥将把资格审查入口和报奖入口的开放时间延迟至 2021 年,并把原定于 2020 年 10 月的颁奖典礼挪至 2021 年 4 月举行。

目前最新报奖入口已开放,最低的报名缴费入口已延长开放至秋季,直至 2021 年 3 月参赛者都可通过灵活的付款方式缴纳报名费用。1 月 27 日开启报名通道以来提交成功的参赛内容都将被纳入当前项目周期。

“面对新冠病毒带来的挑战,对我们及所服务的行业来说都是艰难的。我们知道,每个人都必须做出艰难决定,我们希望能够摆脱当下困境。”克里奥主席 Nicole Purcell 说,“只有参赛者众多,我们的奖项才能繁荣,因此,我们决定向创意界致敬的最佳方法,就是让他们有时间专注于员工和公司所面临的新现实。我们坚信广告行业将会继续坚持生产出鼓舞人心的作品,也不想让任何人错过这个展现自我的机会。有了这个新的赛事日程表,我们期待着在一个更恰当的时候重聚各路创意人才,共同为创意喝彩。”


资格申报入口开放期:2019 年 1 月 1 日- 2021 年 2 月 12 日
截止日期一:2020 年 9 月 18 日
截止日期二:2020 年 12 月 4 日
截止日期三:2021 年 2 月 5 日
评审:2021 年 2 月
颁奖典礼:2021 年 4 月

Purcell 继续说道:“此前有段时间,我们就一直讨论着将创意节的举办时间调整至春季,所以对我们来说,这是一次自然的选择,在可预见的未来,新的赛事日程表将被保留使用。”

需要协作办公空间或奖项信息的创意人,若想寻求沟通与联系,可前往由资深广告记者 Tim Nudd 指导的克里奥相关内容网站。比如为应对疫情,网站 Muse by Clio 新增了一个 #WFH Diaries 系列栏目,内含广告从业者如何在家工作和生活的相关内容;Muse Recruits ,一个把创意人才和亟需他们的雇主联系起来的招聘专栏。Ads of the World ,克里奥的创意数据库,也是一个免费且易于访问的灵感和认知来源网站。

有关克里奥的更多信息,请访问 www.clios.com 



NEW YORK—(April 7, 2020)— The Clio Awards, the premier international awards competition for the creative business, today announced a number of structural changes to its program schedule that will allow for the company and its entrants to celebrate the best creative work of the current cycle at a later date. In effort to meet the needs of the advertising industry, the Clio Awards will extend its eligibility and entry windows into 2021 and move its awards ceremony from October 2020 to April 2021.

The program is currently open for entries, but the company will extend its lowest entry fee window into the fall and work with entrants on a flexible payment schedule until March 2021. All submissions completed since the launch on January 27th will be considered as part of the current, extended program cycle.

“Dealing with the challenges brought on by the coronavirus has been tough on us and the industry we serve. We understand that everyone is having to make difficult decisions and we wanted to be able to take something off their plate for right now,” said Clio Awards president Nicole Purcell. “Our business only thrives when our entrants thrive, so we decided the best way to honor the creative community would be to give them time to focus on their staff and the new realities their companies face, but we know that the industry will persevere and continue producing inspiring work and we don’t want anyone to miss out on the benefits of highlighting that. With this new schedule, we look forward to getting back to the business of bringing people together to celebrate creativity at a time that feels more appropriate.”

The Clio Awards program will now run on the following schedule:

Eligibility Window—January 1, 2019-      February 12, 2021
Deadline I – September 18, 2020
Deadline II – December 4, 2020
Deadline III – February 5, 2021
Judging—February 2021
Awards Ceremony—April 2021

“We’ve talked about moving our show back to the spring for some time, so this was a natural choice for us and the new schedule will remain in place for the foreseeable future,” continued Purcell.

Creatives seeking an outlet for conversation and connection in the absence of collaborative office spaces and awards circuits can look to the Clio Awards content site led by veteran advertising journalist Tim Nudd. In response to the crisis, Muse by Clio has added a #WFH Diaries series highlighting how industry leaders have adjusted to work and life at home, and Muse Recruits, a column launched to connect creative talent with the employers who need them right now. Clio’s creative database, Ads of the World, is also a free and easily accessible source of inspiration and recognition.

For more information about the Clio Awards, visit www.clios.com.

更多内容请关注 Clio Awards 官方网站:www.clios.com

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