ECI@创新案例 |Sold WithOut
ECI Awards 国际数字创新奖中文简称国际艾奇奖,由中国学者联合27个国家和地区数字经济领域的创新专家学者共同发起,是公益性、学术性、独立性研究教育机构IECIA国际数字经济创新组织于2014年设立,也是全球第一个使用“创新的有效性”作为评价标准的数字创新的国际奖项,也被誉为全球最具权威性与影响力的数字经济创新“诺贝尔奖”。
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参赛机构:Ogilvy Brasil
获奖品牌:BMW do Brasil
Because of problems in manufacturing due to the pandemic, the importation of automobile pieces collapsed in Brazil at the end of 2021. This caused stagnation in the local industry. At the same time, BMW was launching its most innovative car yet in Europe: the BMW iX. Our task was to launch the car in Brazil in January 2022. But how could we do that if the car hadn’t arrived yet in the country? How could we offer the same purchasing experience that the BMW consumer was used to? The lack of the product in the local market could amount to the target buying other brands.
So,our challenge was to engage the target, making it experience the iX, do a test-drive and prereserve a unit.
This Metaverse activation is the first of a kind when it comes to selling a luxurious/expensive car without having one to be tested by the clients in real life. The lauch ocurred in Metaverse and this model was sold out.
We modelled the new BMW iX in 3D and the result was very similar to the real car, to demonstrate the product itself, viewed from inside and outside. The 3D model was a perfect solution for dealers to show the car in Metaverse to pontential buyers.
Due to the logistic problem that prevented the BMW iX from being in Brazil, our strategy was to present it to the public in the gamer universe. To do that, we created a digital experience in the roleplaying server Complexo where there is a relevant phenomenon: the community’s players are in love with the brand. For the launch we invited one of Brazil most famous streamers and an automotive sector journalist. They did the first ever live car launch in the history of Twitch, the world’s biggest game platform with a huge audience composed mainly of users from the younger generations and technology early adopters. Every detail counts when it comes to purchasing a luxury car such as the BMW iX.
So, wetried to recreate it as real as possible in the digital medium. During the live launch, a link redirected the target for a pre-purchase reservation.
It was the first Metaverse car demonstration in Brazil streamed by Twitch and became a benchmark in the category. It hit the specialized news. Furthermore, the agency was contacted by clients from other categories because this case lured them to step into the Metaverse.
奥美启发品牌和人们去影响世界。自大卫·奥格威于 1948 年创立公司以来,并一直致力于为客户创造具有标志性、文化影响且有价值驱动力的创意。奥美以「无界创意」持续创造珍贵的资产,并通过人才与专长的交融,实现创新与运营。奥美有来自公关、增长与创新、广告、健康和消费者体验领域的专家们,在 82 个市场的 132 个办公室的网络之下一同协作助力客户。奥美隶属于 WPP 集团旗下(纳斯达克股票代码:WWPGY)。
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