ECI@创新案例 |CP Bologna METAWORTH
ECI Awards 国际数字创新奖中文简称国际艾奇奖,由中国学者联合27个国家和地区数字经济领域的创新专家学者共同发起,是公益性、学术性、独立性研究教育机构IECIA国际数字经济创新组织于2014年设立,也是全球第一个使用“创新的有效性”作为评价标准的数字创新的国际奖项,也被誉为全球最具权威性与影响力的数字经济创新“诺贝尔奖”。
案例名称:CP Bologna METAWORTH
所获奖项: 元宇宙创新类-元宇宙软件与服务创新类-铜奖
参赛机构:Yell Advertising Bangkok
获奖品牌:CPF Food and Beverage Company Limited
The objective is to bring consumers closer to the brand. Additionally, the pandemic situation keeps consumers and brand apart. Therefore, Metaverse is a great tool to throw such party that people have been longing for in these days. As the brand has an idol as a presenter, to throw a party on Metaverse is quite a challenge because he has fans around the world.
So, we created the party that all the consumers can enjoy hanging out together and in the same time they can share the best experience with their idol. With the customized spaces where they are all designed from the insights of partiers to let them have the closest and best experience in Metaverse. We had over a thousand participants around the world. The event hashtag was tweeted for more than 1.5 million times in just 30 minutes. Moreover, the hashtag was on No.1 Twitter trending in 3 countries also No.3 on Twitter worldwide trending. Most importantly, there was the highest sales in the product history in that period of the campaign.
Our campaign consists of 3 stages of the event and our metrics were different in each stage.
Pre-event: The users had to purchase the products in order to get tickets to our metaverse. The highest spender would get exclusive activities in the metaverse.
KPIs: Number of Sign-ups, Gross Sales Value
At the Event: There were 2 concerts, fan meet, stage games and native games.
KPIs: Number of participants, Duration of visit, Number of interactions by sending emojis, Number of vouchers claimed from games
After Event: We get the feedbacks from social medias
KPIs: Number of post and retweet on twitter, Trend ranking on twitter, Number of videos post on TikTok.
We help brands and their ambassadors to communicate with their audiences in a better way, the audience can exchange their ideas with each other as well, so the brands would get new creative ideas for their businesses.
As we have to serve up to 3,000 participants of this metaverse campaign, we need a solid technology which could still serve as many participants on simple devices. Users can used mobile or iPad to join the event, yet we need to keep the decentralize way of communications. That was our challenge and we succeed it.
Metaverse has had a big impact in the online marketing recently. However, no one ever could use it properly as a tool to create values for the brand. On the other hands, we chose Metaverse not because it has been on the trends but it was a perfect tool for the consumers. Definitely, it created a lot of values during the event. For examples, you could see people from different countries navigating their avatars to sit at the customized space (Bolo bar, the bar where people can sit around and have a chat also playing games) and have a chat in Metaverse. Additionally, people adopted Metaverse and used it like an actual activity they have done physically.
To sum up, the Metaverse in this project allows people to enjoy their new society, activity and creates new experience for consumers especially Thais. Also, it lifts the consumer's perception values for the brand. On the other ways, it creates sales for the product massively like never before.
yell 的小小故事,是从一碗在泰国被称为 MaMa 的方便面开始。那碗方便面,正是yell 4 位饥肠辘辘的创始人在租用的小小办公空间里共享的一餐。那年是 2009 年。yell 也从此创立了,而名字当然就源自 Yellow MaMa(黄色 MaMa 面)。九年后,yell 已被 Campaign Brief Asia 评为泰国最新晋的广告公司之一!一路走来,4 人变成了 80 人,yell 虽然逐渐壮大加上实战经验丰富了,但这并未冲淡yell 对创意及行销的渴望。时至今日,同样的渴望继续驱使着yell 无惧与拥有跨国网络的广告代理商并驱争先,并获得了泰国多个著名品牌的青睐。
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