简介:【创立】 2008年,睿路传播成立,成为国内最早一批试水社会化营销的传播公司,并独立探索一条睿路的SOCIAL之道。 Founded in 2008 as one of the earliest Social Marketing entrepreneurs, teasing out our own way of winning in the market.
【探索】 创立至今,睿路从未停止尝试和探索的步伐,一路从社会化传播扩展到数字营销,再到如今的360度全方位整合营销。业绩也是一路高歌,保持快速稳健的增长。 Doubled, even tripled, on yearly basis ever since by shifting focus from just social to digital-enabled integrated marketing – to “reload” the communication world as we call it.
【集团化】 2016年正式登陆新三板(股票代号839206),成为国内少数几家首先利用资本操作获得持续发展的传播集团之列。 Listed publicly in NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations) in 2016 (Code 839206), the first few early-birds in China capitalizing for a sustainable growth mechanic.
【整合】 未来我们还将继续强化整合,提供真正“端到端”的解决方案。其中包括电商服务、数据整合、忠诚度管理,乃至B2B等广泛细分领域等。 The momentum to integrate continues as we push further in completing reload service and solution offerings by including EC, data, loyalty management, B2B and beyond.