Boots 博姿

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21 粉丝
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简介:We are a business that is grounded in care...资料详情
简介:We are a business that is grounded in care

Customers and patients are at the heart of our business, and we are committed to providing exceptional care to them. We want to be the first choice for their health and beauty needs. We also offer innovative 'only at Boots' exclusive brands such as No7 a leading UK skincare brand, Soap and Glory and Liz Earle, all delivered with the great value our customers love.

Boots has a unique place in the heart of the communities it serves across the UK. For almost 170 years, we have used our pharmacy-led expertise and support to help improve the health and wellbeing of local communities. We know that our colleagues are our strength, and aim to always be the employer of choice, attracting and retaining the most talented and passionate people who truly care, and want to do life changing work every day.
