Masterland 上海

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3 粉丝
上海 虹口区
简介:Master-Land Business Consulting is a professional company to enhance your business performance. We help organizations build value by uncovering insights that create new futures and by doing the hard work to improve performance – from the back office to the corner office, and everywhere in between. We provide business executives with knowledge and methodologies which covers Supply and Procurement Management, Product Development Management, Market Strategy Management, and Project Management through professional training, in-house training and consulting....资料详情
简介:Master-Land Business Consulting is a professional company to enhance your business performance. We help organizations build value by uncovering insights that create new futures and by doing the hard work to improve performance – from the back office to the corner office, and everywhere in between. We provide business executives with knowledge and methodologies which covers Supply and Procurement Management, Product Development Management, Market Strategy Management, and Project Management through professional training, in-house training and consulting.


