Great Works China 上海

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923 粉丝
上海 长宁区
简介:Great Works China is an independent creative agency, helping discerning clients navigate a rapidly changing commercial landscape by combining storytelling and design with a deep understanding of technology. Great Works China not just helps clients with their current challenges but also helps them transition into what’s around the corner....资料详情
简介:Great Works China is an independent creative agency, helping discerning clients navigate a rapidly changing commercial landscape by combining storytelling and design with a deep understanding of technology. Great Works China not just helps clients with their current challenges but also helps them transition into what’s around the corner.

Office @ Stockholm | New York | Tokyo | Shanghai

GREAT WORKS CHINA(瑞思华广告(上海)有限公司) 是一家来自瑞典的顶尖独立创意机构。办公室分布全球:斯特哥尔摩、纽约、东京、上海。

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