Havas Group China 汉威士集团中国 DAOY 年度奖

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4101 粉丝
上海 黄浦区
简介:全球最大传播集团之一汉威士集团(Havas Group)于1835年创立于法国巴黎,目前在全球100多个国家和地区拥有20,000余名员工,专注于三大领域的全媒体传播与广告创意业务,致力于为品牌、业务与全社会创造非凡意义大不同。为更好地预测并服务于客户需求,汉威士集团在全球60多个汉威士村贯彻多维融合运营,鼓励广告创意、媒体以及大健康三大业务领域团队携手合作,确保灵活机动的工作模式,打造无缝衔接的客户体验。汉威士集团于2017年12月加入Vivendi集团。...资料详情
简介:全球最大传播集团之一汉威士集团(Havas Group)于1835年创立于法国巴黎,目前在全球100多个国家和地区拥有20,000余名员工,专注于三大领域的全媒体传播与广告创意业务,致力于为品牌、业务与全社会创造非凡意义大不同。为更好地预测并服务于客户需求,汉威士集团在全球60多个汉威士村贯彻多维融合运营,鼓励广告创意、媒体以及大健康三大业务领域团队携手合作,确保灵活机动的工作模式,打造无缝衔接的客户体验。汉威士集团于2017年12月加入Vivendi集团。

Havas is one of the world’s largest global communications groups. Founded in 1835 in Paris, the Group employs 20,000 people in more than 100 countries and operates through its three business units covering all communication activities. Havas Group’s mission is to make a meaningful difference to brands, businesses and people. To better anticipate client needs, Havas has adopted a fully integrated model through its 60+ Havas Villages around the world. In these Villages, creative, media and healthcare & wellness teams work together, ensuring agility and a seamless experience for clients. We are committed to building a diverse culture where everybody feels they belong, can be themselves, thrive and grow. Havas Group integrated into Vivendi in December 2017.
