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42 粉丝
上海 徐汇区
简介:JL DESIGN is a hybrid creative studio in collaboration with some of the most imaginative directors, visual artists and production companies. We believe in creating a narration that is effective and innovative; skillfully told through branding, design, film, digital medium, or across different platforms....资料详情
简介:JL DESIGN is a hybrid creative studio in collaboration with some of the most imaginative directors, visual artists and production companies. We believe in creating a narration that is effective and innovative; skillfully told through branding, design, film, digital medium, or across different platforms.

Our team is made up of creatives, designers, visual effects artists, technologists, directors and producers from diverse background, working together to bring big ideas to life.

Our approach to creative concept is to go beyond the tried and tested; with the belief that anything and everything is possible, leading us to win awards for our clients at Promax BDA, iF Design, Red Dot and various festivals.
