职位描述 Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities:
Familiar with CRM/ECRM strategies and solutions
Familiar with WeChat ecosystem
Develop CRM loyalty programs to build brand loyalty
Capable to develop actionable proposal based on client needs and focus on draw insights from data to drive consumer centric CRM strategy
At least 3 years working experience in planning, digital marketing, CRM related industry, CRM agency preferred.
Proven skills in strategic CRM consulting and long-term innovative solutions.
Creative, independent with a passion for success, visionary and confident.
Excellent communication skills and problem-solving skills.
Self-learner and self-motivator.
Good at English writing
25K-50K 围观
广东 深圳
15K-25K socialmanGo 上海
上海 徐汇区
上海 黄浦区
上海 徐汇区
上海 普陀区