AI Art Director/美术指导(人工智能)

上海 静安区
发布于 2024-05-29

职位描述 Job Description

MediaMonks is looking for an AI Art Director to develop innovative concepts and products. In this key role, you’ll be joining our small-star team of Monks in Shanghai that works alongside our other international offices to craft award-winning work across platforms and devices.

In Short

  • Produce high-quality visual designs for: digital campaigns, microsites, landing pages, social media, presentations, video, animation, and more

  • Communicate ideas and designs to senior members of the creative team

  • Partner with copywriters

  • Wow clients with presentation skills

  • Provide oversight and design direction to production designers

  • Maintain consistent creative quality and become a brand expert

  • Be a standard-bearer for our company culture and values

In More

  • You are someone intrinsically interested in digital art and generative ai

  • You are not afraid to use ai tools to showcase high quality craftsmanship

  • You have technical skills to use PhotoShop, Illustrator, and also Midjourney, StableDiffusion and ComfyUI workflows

  • As showcased in your portfolio wich slick design and art creative curation

  • You have experience with all stages of the design process, from conceptualizing styles to finalizing layouts and rolling out designs across markets and formats.

  • Creating balanced and beautiful layouts is your second nature, or just something you’re good at.


  • Well versed in setting up your own StableDiffusion Setup

  • Well versed in using MidJourney

  • Someone with an innate taste for technology, an instinct for interaction and a natural feel for digital design esthetics applied in photography

  • You need to be experienced experimenting with different types of content

  • Illustration and storyboarding skills required

  • Animation design and being comfortable working and directing motion team

  • Rigorous attention to detail

  • Ability to work through multiple iterations and to work quickly

  • Ability to work within brand style guides to produce work that is both original and on-brand

  • Humble attitude—No egos here!

Come Turn Concepts into Projects

At MediaMonks, you’ll join a young & fun, successful and fast-growing international company that constantly pushes the envelope when it comes to production and the use of adjectives. In addition to an unlimited supply of A-list projects and coworkers, MediaMonks gets you a one-of-a-kind company culture, characterized by conscientiousness and celebrated with champagne.

If you’re eager to join our digital dynasty, we’d love to hear your personal pitch. We’re especially keen to see some solid projects — not just ideas — so please link us to a collection of work. Please be attentive to the requirements for this role and accompany your portfolio with a short cover letter detailing why you’re the right Monk for this role.

MediaMonks 正在寻找一位AI美术指导来开发创新概念和产品。在这个关键角色中,您将加入我们上海的小明星 Monks 团队,该团队与我们的其他国际办事处合作,跨平台和设备创作屡获殊荣的作品。


  • 为以下领域制作高质量的视觉设计:数字营销活动、微型网站、登陆页面、社交媒体、演示文稿、视频、动画等

  • 与创意团队的高级成员交流想法和设计

  • 与文案合作

  • 具有演示技巧的客户惊叹不已

  • 为生产设计师提供监督和设计指导

  • 保持始终如一的创意品质,成为品牌专家

  • 成为我们公司文化和价值观的旗手


  • 您对数字艺术和生成人工智能有着本质的兴趣

  • 你不惧怕用AI工具展示高品质工艺

  • 您具备使用 PhotoShop、Illustrator 以及 Midjourney、StableDiffusion 和 ComfyUI 工作流程的技术技能

  • 正如您的作品集所展示的那样,它具有流畅的设计和艺术创意策划

  • 您拥有设计过程的所有阶段的经验,从概念化风格到最终确定布局以及跨市场和格式推出设计。

  • 创建平衡且美观的布局是您的第二天性,或者只是您擅长的事情。


  • 精通设置您自己的稳定扩散设置

  • 熟练使用 MidJourney

  • 对技术有天生的品味,有互动的本能,对摄影中应用的数字设计美学有自然的感觉

  • 您需要有尝试不同类型内容的经验

  • 所需的插图和故事板技能

  • 动画设计以及舒适的工作和指导动作团队

  • 严格注重细节

  • 能够进行多次迭代并快速工作

  • 能够在品牌风格指南范围内创作出原创且品牌化的作品

  • 态度谦虚


在 MediaMonks,您将加入一家年轻、有趣、成功且快速发展的国际公司,该公司在制作和形容词的使用方面不断挑战极限。除了无限量供应一流项目和同事之外,MediaMonks 还为您提供独一无二的公司文化,其特点是尽职尽责,并以香槟庆祝。






上海 徐汇区

