资深客户经理/SAM (电商)

上海 静安区
发布于 2024-07-22

职位描述 Job Description


Shanghai.monks是全球创意公司 .monks 的上海办事处,正在寻找资深客户经理(电商)。您将加入我们的客户服务团队并推动我们客户的增长。您与品牌及其内部团队密切合作,通过与客户建立信任、满足并逾越他们的期望来实现增长。


  • 客户管理

  • 管理客户的运营期望和关系

  • 日常保持积极的客户关系


  • 了解客户和代理机构的商业挑战

  • 财务职责包括审查和签署所需的项目/账单、客户管理或根据需要升级账单


  • 推动项目范围、目标和可交付成果,确保效率和盈利能力

  • 作为可交付成果的把关人,确保工作和简报符合预期

  • 分析问题、制定解决方案以及海外生产、项目执行

  • 项目在生产、执行和适应阶段的风险管理


  • 人员发展和管理 - 包括根据成长心态对初级直接下属进行指导、启发和激励


  • 具有出色的组织和项目管理能力

  • 自我激励,能够独立运作,根据需要与团队领导保持一致

  • 在跨国机构环境中轻松工作

  • 知道如何驾驭复杂的客户利益相关者环境

  • 热衷于在高度创意和快节奏的环境中工作

  • 对营销和广告方面的最新、最精彩的内容感兴趣


  • 至少拥有相关领域的学士学位或同等学历

  • 五年以上电商行业经验,其中可能包括大型广告公司或客户端营销经验

  • 类别具有运动品牌经验者优先

  • 在集成的代理环境中与媒体、公关、社交和其他代理合作伙伴合作

  • 拥有深厚的多渠道营销知识和经验

  • 优秀的英语和普通话口头/书面能力


  • Client Management

  • Manage clients’ operational expectations and relationships

  • Nature and maintain positive client relationships on a day to day

  • Responsible for managing key projects under the direction of the overall team lead (Account Director), ensuring creative and output excellence

  • Understands clients’ & agency’s commercial challenges

  • Financial responsibilities include review and sign-off of required project/billings, client management or escalation of billing as needed

Project/Resource Management

  • Drive project scope, goals and deliverables to ensure efficiency & profitability

  • Gatekeeper for deliverables, ensuring work and briefs are to expectations

  • Analyze issues, develop solutions and overseas production, execution of projects

  • Risk management of projects in its production, execution and adaptation phases

Team Management

  • People development and management - includes coaching, inspiring, motivating junior direct reports aligned against a growth mindset

Who you are 

  • Has excellent organizational and project management skills

  • Self-motivated and able to operate independently, aligning with the team lead as required

  • At ease working in an multinational agency environment, across offices and teams

  • Knows how to navigate complex client stakeholder environments

  • Passion for working in a highly creative and fast-paced environment

  • Interested in the latest and greatest when it comes to marketing and advertising

Required Experience

  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a related field;

  • Five plus years of EC experience, which may include large-agency interactive or client-side marketing experience

  • Category Experience in Sports is a plus

  • Working within an integrated agency environment with media, PR, social and other agency partners

  • Has deep knowledge and experience with multichannel marketing

  • Excellent command of both verbal/written English and Mandarin

Please be attentive to the requirements for this role and accompany your portfolio with a custom cover letter detailing why you’re the right talent for the job.

About Monks

Monks is the global, purely digital, unitary operating brand of S4Capital plc. With a legacy of innovation and specialised expertise, Monks combines an extraordinary range of global marketing and technology services to accelerate business possibilities and redefine how brands and businesses interact with the world. Its integration of systems and workflows delivers unfettered content production, scaled experiences, enterprise-grade technology and data science fueled by AI—managed by the industry's best and most diverse digital talent—to help the world's trailblazing companies outmanoeuvre and outpace their competition.

Monks was named a Contender in The Forrester Wave™: Global Marketing Services. It has remained a constant presence on Adweek's Fastest Growing lists (2019-23), ranks among Cannes Lions' Top 10 Creative Companies (2022-23) and is the only partner to have been placed in AdExchanger's Programmatic Power Players list every year (2020-24). In addition to being named Adweek's first AI Agency of the Year (2023), Monks has been recognized by Business Intelligence in its 2024 Excellence in Artificial Intelligence Awards program in three categories: the Individual category, Organizational Winner in AI Strategic Planning and AI Product for its service Monks.Flow. Monks has also garnered the title of Webby Production Company of the Year (2021-24), won a record number of FWAs and has earned a spot on Newsweek's Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplaces 2023.



注意邮件标题:应聘 + 职位名称 + 来源数英



上海 徐汇区 南京西路1213弄15号




上海 徐汇区

