〔About me〕
Hi, I'm Eliza, a web designer with 2.5 years of professional experience in digital advertising agency. I've been fortunate enough to work with some of the biggest brands in the world during my career. I have participated the project of campaign site and official website, those brands are about vehicles, banks, technology products and alcohols. Moreover, I've also brainstorming and creative thinking in based on the brief of marketing planning with my colleagues.
I am also an enthusiastic traveller and a lifetime adventurer. Outside of work I enjoy trekking, camping, visiting exhibitions and learning new stuff.
2016 - Public Relations Foundation Excellence Awards: Digital Communication Excellence (台湾财团法人公共关系基金会-杰出公关奖:数位沟通奖)
Client: BenQ WiT
Project: Facebook page of BenQ WiT LED Lighting (BenQ WiT 萤幕阅读台灯 Facebook 粉丝团社群规划)
Agency: Ogilvy Public Relations
Role: Designer (Hogarth & Ogilvy)