Cynthia Zhu 认证用户


上海 长宁区




8 粉丝
Hello, I'm Cynthia Zhu. I am a graphic designer with inspiration and creativity. I have been working in advertising agency and I am familiar with the china marketing strategy. I also put value on propagation on social media and digital advertising.
Besides that, I also have a strong interest in branding. Branding can be worked on methodology but also with creativity. I would love to help more companies with the branding work.
Finally, I would like combine fine art in my design works to make my works unique and remarkable. I pick up the ideas from all over my life. It is not so ubiquitous that a commercial designer insist on doing fine art. But I see it's an effective way to make every of my work outstanding.
Hello, I'm Cynthia Zhu. I am a graphic designer with inspiration and creativity. I have been working in advertising agency and I am familiar with the china marketing strategy. I also put value on propagation on social media and digital advertising.
Besides that, I also have a strong interest in branding. Branding can be worked on methodology but also with creativity. I would love to help more companies with the branding work.
Finally, I would like combine fine art in my design works to make my works unique and remarkable. I pick up the ideas from all over my life. It is not so ubiquitous that a commercial designer insist on doing fine art. But I see it's an effective way to make every of my work outstanding.





