可口可乐 - 2010上海世博会可口可乐展馆 体验网站
URL: http://pavilion.expo.cn/e1022/ssize/htm/index.html
Coca-Cola online pavilion for Shanghai 2010 Expo emphasized several animated roles and exciting interactive experiences to express its “Happiness Trip” theme. It mainly invites guests to play the interactive games in Coca-Cola online pavilion. Professional interactive techniques have been applied into each part which combined the cartoon roles with 3D pavilion spaces effectively. The “Happiness Factory” will definitely attract all the guests.
Amber communication Successfully promoted the Coca-cola Happiness Factory 3D virtual pavilion through the established 2010 Shanghai EXPO online platform and SNS and gained an accumulative traffic of 10 million+ single IP visitations to the site within 60 days and contributed directly to the EXPO Coco-cola pavilion of being the Top 5 among the EXPO corporate pavilions
品牌“体验”要求明确, 不能流于简单的三维游览或建筑3D漫游介绍, 必须由角色鲜明的精彩动画, 丰富有趣的交互体验来表达“欢乐”之旅的主题。基于“永不落幕的网上世博会”的概念, 将使品牌传播的时间和影响力得以无限延伸。
浏览人数始终位于网上展馆企业馆类别榜首, 并以优势领先。
上线首日关注度高, 同一用户多次重复浏览。
每次更新或者增加新的flash交互游戏, PV及UV值都会有一个峰值增长。
英文版上线后, PV及UV值有增长趋势。
截至10月底, PV数值逼近700万。