dENiZEN - 多媒体触摸屏装置
dENiZEN’s trade show
Flip Script was charged with creating compelling digital applications for dENiZEN‘s trade show held on September 28, 2010. The trade show targeted two groups who are key to dENiZEN’s future success, influential members of the media and key buyers. Flip Script needed to create experiences that would draw them in and help them to better understand dENiZEN. Flip Script used two 32″ augmented reality displays, two 32″ multitouch game units, a massive 72″ multitouch game unit, 3 iPads running the multitouch game, and 2 laptops showing different aspects of the dENiZEN website. Flip Script helped make a strong impression with those whose opinions are important by understanding dENiZEN and its core values and giving users the chance to feel those values first hand.
Video link: