万得城 辛辣营销,打响进军中国的序幕
随着万得城电器在中国的第一家门店落户上海, 中国的消费者们得开始慢慢习惯这个欧洲消费电子产品零售巨头胆大妄为的风格脾气。
李戈斯雷尼(Leagas Delaney) 毫无悬念地被选为万得城电器在中国市场领导创意的团队。双方合作的第一个项目便是万得城的开张Ad Campaign, 将初来乍到的万得城电器介绍给中国消费者。和大多零售商的沟通理念不同, 万得城和李戈斯雷尼并未选择把注意力仅仅放在产品和价格上, 而是着重于对品牌价值的塑造。
Leagas Delaney的合伙人Jacob Johanson这样总结了这次独树一帜的广告: “能用尖锐的语调来谈社会的敏感话题, 对于一个零售品牌来说是很少见也很大胆的。这个系列的广告巧妙结合了幽默风格的图片和犀利的文字, 既表现了上海本土文化特色, 又保持了万得城全球一贯的风格。”
Leagas Delaney一反传统, 把上海人每天都要面对的琐事和说不出口的烦恼当作素材, 创作了一系列幽默的广告作品: 家长们常常对新婚夫妇施加压力、评头论足; 有些上海女人是狮子大开口的物质女郎, 而上海男人则怕死了他们的老婆要这要那⋯⋯
Jacob Johansen说: “我们的广告就像一幅幅当今上海生活的连环画, 人们看了之后可以会心一笑, 直接联想到他们自身的日常生活。作为创意为首的广告公司, 我们必须在借鉴万得城其他市场的基础上, 找到我们自己的语言, 来诠释万得城打破常规的传统。”
作为在中国生活多年的广告人, Jacob Johansen对这个巨大市场有自己的一套见解: “许多人告诫我们在中国不能过于肆无忌惮。但当看见成千上万的人们在开店当天, 排在店外等待入场的时候, 我们知道, 相信中国消费者的想象力一点没错, 挑战平庸正是这个市场所渴求的。我觉得, 许多广告人都低估了大众的能力, 把消费者当成傻瓜。我们要做的就是避免重复这个错误。我们要把重点都放在与中国消费者的互动和对话上, 尊重他们, 把决定权交给他们。”
这场万得城开张战役运用了全方位的推广方式, 除了强大的户外攻势, 还包括了印刷品, 电子媒体以及各类活动。在开店的第一周, 身上背着灯箱的游行队伍和印着广告的老式三轮车在整座城市来回穿梭, 把万得城开张的喜讯传遍上海。 而作为上海最繁华的商业圈, 淮海路已经完全变成了火红的海洋。放眼望去, 到处都是万得城热烈的红色。
至于辛辣营销到底效果如何? 只要看看开张当天因为过多顾客而出动的警力和被迫中途告停的开张节目, 就不难知道答案了。
With the opening of European consumer electronics retail-giant Media Markt first China store in Shanghai, Chinese consumers must get used to retail communication with bite and attitude.
Leagas Delaney Shanghai was selected by Media Markt as creative lead agency in China. The first result of the cooperation is the recently launched opening campaign introducing Media Markt to the Chinese consumers. Unlike most of the retail advertising, Media Markt and Leagas Delaney Shanghai shift the focus from product/price-only to attitude and value rich branding.
“It is rather unusual for a retailer to use social taboos in an edgy context. By combining local insights with the unique international voice of Media Markt, this campaign is a smart integration of hilarious visuals and insightful headlines,” says Jacob Johansen, Managing Partner of Leagas Delaney Shanghai.
Leagas Delaney has developed a humorous campaign around daily issues everybody talks about, but nobody ever addresses in Chinese advertising: families putting young couples under pressure and constant evaluation, Shanghai women being materialistic and driven by greed, men being afraid of their demanding wives, etc.
“As a whole it is a panorama of today’s city life in Shanghai which most people can instantly relate to. The consumer benefits communicated and the consumers are teased and entertained. For us, as a creatively lead agency, it is essential to be true to the bold attitude of Media Markt, as we know it from other markets.” says Jacob Johansen.
“Many have lectured us, we should not go bold in China but the thousands and thousands of people outside the store on the opening night shows we were right when we decided to believe in the imagination of the Chinese consumer and challenge rather than stuff. I feel many advertising people here patronize the Chinese audience. That’s a mistake we do not subscribe to, instead focusing on communication that will respect the target audience and engage them on their home turf.” Jacob Johansen continues himself a China communications veteran.
The campaign is built around a strong OOH push in combination with print, digital and event. During the opening week street-wakers with light boxes strapped to their back and typical Shanghainese tri-bikes toured the city, carrying the message of the opening. The entire Huaihai Lu, one of the busiest high streets in town was covered in red by the Media Markt advertising.
And did the edgy ads work? Due to unexpected large numbers of visitors the police had to shut down part of the opening event.